WordPress Plugins

Link Software creates and sells a series of WordPress plugins across a variety of categories. Our WordPress plugins are in active development and are all updated multiple times throughout the year. In total, the plugins we make are actively used on thousands of WordPress-powered websites.

White Label

White Label gives designers and agencies the ability to customize the admin side of WordPress. You can use the White Label plugin to modify the login page, dashboard, dashboard widgets, and a lot more.

White Label is being used on over 10,000 WordPress sites now. There is a Pro version of White Label that offers extra features to make customizing the admin for clients even better. You can try White Label for free by downloading it from WordPress.org.

White Label

HTML Forms

HTML Forms is a fast and flexible form plugin for WordPress. It is very developer focused, with the goal of making it easy to produce multipurpose forms with your own HTML markup. You can use this plugin to build any kind of plugin you need while keeping your site efficient and fast-loading.

HTML Forms is actively installed on over 9,000 WordPress sites. We also have a Premium add-on that provides additional features to help developers get the most out of their forms. You can try HTML Forms at no cost by downloading it from WordPress.org.

HTML Forms

WP Terms Popup

You can use WP Terms Popup to ask your website visitors to agree to your terms of service, privacy policy, or other content before they are allowed to access your website.

WP Terms Popup is actively used on over 4,000 WordPress-powered websites. We have released three paid add-ons since 2018 that enhance the core plugin’s feature set. You can try WP Terms Popup yourself for free by downloading it from WordPress.org.

WP Terms Popup

Remove WooCommerce Features

Remove WooCommerce Features is a WooCommerce website that provides tutorials and plugins to give you the power to make changes to your online store’s appearance and functionality. The guides and plugins cover over 30 common WooCommerce design elements.

While our articles teach custom code solutions, the real stars of the site are the plugins. Site owners can make instant changes to their sites with a few button clicks. There’s no need to edit any files or pay an expensive developer or agency to do the work for you.

Remove WooCommerce Features


ChimpBridge is a unique plugin that brings the power of Mailchimp, one of the world’s most popular email marketing platforms, to WordPress. The plugin gives users the ability to create and send Mailchimp campaigns for their audiences in an interface similar to writing a blog post.

The premium version, ChimpBridge Pro, extends the features of the plugin by adding support for audience segments, customizable email footers, and simple design templates. You can give ChimpBridge a try for yourself and start sending Mailchimp campaigns by downloading the plugin from WordPress.org.



We developed ProductWriter.ai to help e-commerce site owners who struggle to write their own high-quality product descriptions. Our application combines product data and artificial intelligence to write engaging product descriptions in just seconds.

Launched in July of 2023, ProductWriter.ai is available for WooCommerce with support for more e-commerce platforms coming in the future. You can get started for free and find out how simple and easy it is to write product descriptions on your own site.
